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"An educational environment that conducts knowledge-based activities in order to develop and demonstrate the importance of education, cultural awareness, and community service"
















One really never stops learning, whether it’s the traditional learning in a classroom or the impromptu everyday-life learning.

Unfortunately, we have achieved a sort of tunnel vision in education of late.  Excellence is oftentimes garnered through inequitable class structures with limited resources and as a result, we are failing our children.

So we must ask ourselves: where do we want to be?  We understand that it is important that a student be taught beyond the subject in order to be given the opportunity to flourish, and AHIE makes it its mission to be student-centric while covering common core standards.




To Offer Educational Opportunities

























AHIE’s long-term goal is to be a point of contact for learners; to support a Safe & Civil discipline model in its pursuit of being a safe environment where learners build up community values such as belonging and are given opportunities to succeed through seminars, projects, and inquiry-based styles of learning.


We believe that given the right tools and resources, every student is capable of having a sound education, and a successful life.


Besides striving to provide challenging pedagogy as well as access to low capital communities, AHIE’s philosophy is that one’s potential can be fostered provided one has support and a better global understanding.

Education for success!

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